Application to Independent Citizen Committee for Millage Oversight (ICCMO)

Application to Independent Citizen Committee for Millage Oversight (ICCMO)

Hernando County voters approved the referendum increasing property taxes by 1% for the school district on November 3, 2020. All proceeds from the Millage will be used for Salaries & Positions, Mental Health & Safety, Technology, and Continuation of Academic Programs. The Hernando County School District’s Voter Approved Millage Referendum identifies the categories to be funded using millage funds.

The district is committed to being transparent and accountable to the residents of Hernando County for the use of the millage proceeds. In a manner consistent with the Board-approved resolution prompting the request for a special election hereby forms the Independent Citizen Committee for Millage Oversight (ICCMO) for the purpose of developing reports for the School Board. The reports shall focus on information concerning the status of spending these specific funds. The committee will provide general oversight to the School Board’s spending and assist with any disseminating information involving funds from the millage.

The Committee shall consist of a maximum of seven (7) community members and two (2) ex officio School Board Employees of which shall be the District’s Director of Budget and Finance Business, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Support Operations, or designees.

The Superintendent of Schools shall select committee members through an application process. The Committee shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair from among the community members. All Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity and shall be residents of Hernando County. Community members will be removed automatically should they miss two (2) consecutive regular meetings without good cause. In addition to the committee members a list of two (2) alternatives shall be selected should the need arise to provide a replacement for any committee member unable to complete their term.

Committee members are part of a citizen advisory committee, and are exempt from the requirement of filing financial disclosure pursuant to 112.3145, Fla. Stat.

Committee members shall be subject to the requirements of 112.313, Fla. Stat., 112.3143, Fla. Stat., and pertinent opinions of the Florida Commission of Ethics, and neither Committee members or company(ies) in which the members have a direct financial interest, shall do business with the District during the member’s term.

The Committee shall be non-partisan with respect to political parties and while serving on the committee, no member will actively campaign for an elected position within the County. Committee members shall serve a two (2) year term and may be reappointed as determined by the Superintendent of Schools. The initial terms shall be staggered as determined by the Superintendent of Schools to ensure overlap of committee members.

The School Board will reasonably provide adequate support to the Committee to discharge its responsibilities, The Board, with the advice and consultation of the Committee, shall ensure reasonable access to District personnel and public documents. Committee activities shall be reported to the School Board on a regular basis.

The Committee shall meet on a quarterly basis and call special meetings as required with proper notice. A majority of members in attendance at meetings shall constitute a quorum. Committee meetings are to be conducted under Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised. All Committee and subcommittee meetings are governed by the Sunshine Law as required by Chapter 286, Fla. Stat.

Application and attachments for membership shall be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools.

*Asterisk = Required field